It’s all about the words on Wednesdays. The weekly Open Write is unprogrammed time to spend with your letters and stories, edit poems and essays, outline the memoir, rewrite the monologue, let yourself get tangled in a metaphor. For work or play, publication or peace, all pens are welcome.  Not sure what to write? Prompts and exercises will be available.

Short fiction lifted from the page to the stage with a voice actor, painting and illustration on site and scored by live musicians.

1st Wed, alternating


New work readings by regional writers and a seated conversation about everything else. Hosted by Dasha Kelly Hamilton.

1st Wed, alternating


Casual writing sessions and discussion to prompt a 30-minute free write for attendees. Two sessions per night.

2nd Wed.


Adult spoken word, featuring touring and local artists and poetry open mic.

3rd Wed.


Poetry slam for adults (19+). Three rounds, one cash prize.

4th Wed.


Poetry workshops and open mic for youth, ages 13-18.



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